Killer on the Run Read online

Page 3

  “That’s correct. Follow the red line around to your right.”

  “Thanks very much.”

  They did as they were instructed and walked through the swinging doors of the Accident and Emergency Department a few minutes later. Another reception area was in front of them, where a young man was on duty behind the high counter.

  “Hello there. How can I help?”

  Kayli showed the man her ID. “We were called to the scene of an accident this morning, and the air ambulance just brought the woman in. Are we in the right place?”

  The elevator on the right pinged, and the doors flew open to reveal the doctor and a couple of porters who were pushing the stretcher with the woman from the crash.

  “Never mind, I see that we are.” Kayli rushed towards the doctor. “We’re here when you get five minutes, Doctor.”

  “Let me get the X-Ray organised and hand her over to the relevant specialist, and I’ll come back and have a chat with you. Have you informed her next of kin?”

  “Yes, her boyfriend is on his way. We’ll see you soon,” she called after him as he and his team rushed the stretcher through the hallway.

  Kayli and Dave paced the area, waiting for news. A tall, good-looking man in his late twenties walked towards Kayli. His brown hair was messed up as if it hadn’t been combed in days. He looked anxious, as if he were on the lookout for someone. “Lincoln James?”

  He shook her hand and nodded. “That’s right. How is Carmen?”

  “We’ve yet to find out the extent of her injuries. They’re in there assessing her now and will be sending her to the X-Ray department soon.”

  “They must have some clue how bad she is.”

  “It’s a waiting game. Why don’t we take a seat, and I’ll ask you a few questions, if that’s all right?”

  “Right now? My mind is all over the place. I didn’t get in until four this morning, and you woke me up with this devastating news. I’m not trying to be awkward, Inspector, but can you give me a break until I’ve had a chance to let this all sink in?”

  “Very well. However, the quicker we have a chat, the sooner we can get on with our investigation.”

  He sighed heavily and ran a hand through his hair. “Okay, you win. What do you need to know?”

  “Why was your girlfriend out late last night?”

  “She went out for a celebratory drink with a couple of friends while I was at work.”

  “Can you give me the friends’ phone numbers?”

  “No. I don’t have their numbers, but their names are Dawn Finch and Sonia Lewis, if that will help?”

  “Any idea where they work?”

  “At a salon in town. One is a hairdresser, and the other is a beautician, I believe. Don’t quote me on that. That’s classed as girly things, and I tend to switch off when they’re over at our place, discussing such matters. Sorry, I’m waffling.”

  “You’re doing fine. Dave, can you see what Donna can come up with, please?”

  Dave walked a few yards away to place the call. Kayli smiled at the young man, whose brow was pulled into a concerned frown. “I take it you and Carmen live together?”

  “Yes, that’s right. We’re due to get married next year ... at least we were ... crap, I should ring Jacky, her sister.”

  “Yes, that would be a good idea. Does Jacky live locally?”

  “Fifteen minutes away. She should be able to get here. She’s a housewife, has a toddler at home. On second thoughts, maybe it will be impossible for her to come.”

  “Can you ring her? If she prefers, I can organise a patrol car to pick her up and bring her in.”

  “No, I think she’d hate that. Her neighbours are prone to gossiping, and she’d detest being the talk of the street if a police car pulled up outside her house.”

  “Please ring her, then we’ll chat afterwards.”

  “You want her here in case Carmen dies, don’t you? It’s worse than you’ve let on.”

  “Truthfully? I haven’t got a clue. Can you tell Jacky it’s urgent she gets here without scaring her? I think that would be best.”

  “I’ll try. Jesus, my mind is all over the place ... what if?”

  Kayli placed a hand on his arm. “Why don’t I ring her? Maybe it would be better coming from me.”

  He nodded, punched the number into his phone, and handed it to her. After three rings, a woman answered, “Lincoln?”

  “Hello there. You’re right, this is Lincoln’s phone. I’m DI Bright of the Avon and Somerset Constabulary, Jacky.”

  “What? Has something happened to Lincoln? Why are you calling me and not my sister?”

  “Sorry, no, Lincoln is fine. He’s with me here at the hospital.”

  “Hospital? Then everything is not okay. What’s going on, Inspector?”

  “Can you come to the hospital? I’m afraid your sister has been involved in an accident.”

  “What? When? How? Is it bad?”

  She could hear the woman bustling around, as if gathering things together, then keys jangling.

  “The doctors are assessing her now.”

  A door slammed, and Kayli heard a child chattering, asking where they were going. “I’m getting in the car now.”

  “Brilliant. Please drive carefully. We’re in the Accident and Emergency Department. See you soon.”

  “Thank you.” The line went dead.

  Kayli handed the phone back to Lincoln. He slipped it into his jacket pocket. “Why haven’t the doctors come to see us yet? I just know it’s bad news.”

  “Not necessarily. It must be difficult if she’s unconscious and can’t tell them where it hurts. Is it usual for Carmen to travel alone at night?”

  “Yes, why?”

  “I just wondered. Does your girlfriend drink alcohol?”

  “No. She never touches the stuff. She’s always said that she can have a good time without getting pissed—sorry, drunk.”

  “I see.” Kayli smiled.

  “You think the accident was her fault?”

  “It’s too early to tell yet. We have accident specialists looking over the site now. They’ll give us their report in the next day or so, I should imagine. I have to tell you that Carmen went through one of the barriers on the main road.”

  “How is that even possible? Those things are supposed to prevent that kind of thing from happening, aren’t they?”

  “Like I say, there is a specialist team at the site. I’m hoping they’ll be able to make a proper assessment of how the accident occurred soon.”

  “What about a blowout?”

  “I took a quick look around the car, and the tyres appeared to be intact.”

  Dave rejoined them. “I’ve spoken to both Dawn and Sonia and arranged to meet with them this afternoon. I told them that Carmen is in hospital. They were really upset, as you can imagine.”

  “Maybe they’ll be able to shed some light on things later,” Lincoln said.

  “Lincoln, I have to ask if Carmen has mentioned if someone has been acting suspicious around her lately? Or perhaps she’s noticed someone following her?”

  He fell silent as he contemplated her question, then he shook his head. “I don’t recall her mentioning anything along those lines. Do you think this was intentional?”

  “Again, I really can’t tell at this point. I just prefer to ask these kinds of questions now rather than later.”

  Kayli heard heels clicking on the tiled floor behind them, then Dave nudged her arm. She turned to see a pretty brunette holding a toddler in her arms rushing towards them. When she reached them, Lincoln attempted to kiss her on the cheek, but she took a step back. Kayli thought it strange that the woman should try to dodge the affection under the circumstances.

  “What’s going on, Lincoln? Have you seen her?” the woman demanded harshly.

  He shook his head. “No. The doctors are still checking her over. No one has come to see us yet.”

  Kayli offered her hand and introduced herself and Dave. “Yo
u must be Jacky? We spoke on the phone. Why don’t we try and find a family room where we can wait? Dave, can you do that for me?”

  Dave marched down the hallway and spoke to the receptionist. Jacky pulled a dummy out of her pocket and gave it to her child while they waited. Dave beckoned them a few seconds later. They all followed him down the hallway into a square room with several comfortable chairs positioned along each of the walls.

  Jacky sat down and settled her child in her arms. She rummaged around in her bag and pulled out a bottle of milk, which the child grasped hungrily.

  “Are you all right talking in front of your son?” Kayli asked.

  “Yes, he’ll be fine. What happened? Is Carmen very bad? I guess she must be if they haven’t let Lincoln in to see her yet.”

  “Carmen’s car was the only one involved in the crash. She hit one of the barriers and tumbled down the embankment. The car landed on its roof. The fire brigade had to cut her from the wreckage.”

  “What? How could that have happened?” Jacky asked, looking confused.

  “Accident investigators are evaluating the scene as we speak. I hope to have their report on my desk within a few days. When was the last time you spoke to your sister?”

  “Yesterday. She rings every day to see how I am. My husband ran out on me a couple of months ago, and I’ve not been coping very well.”

  Maybe that’s why Jacky gave Lincoln the cold shoulder when she arrived. “Sorry to hear that. Did your sister mention anything about anyone being an annoyance to her?” Kayli watched her reaction carefully as her eyes drifted over to Lincoln, who was standing guard at the door, waiting for the doctor to arrive. “Jacky?”

  “No, not that I can think of.”

  Kayli didn’t force the issue, but she felt that Jacky was holding something back regarding Lincoln. “What kind of mood was your sister in when she called you yesterday?”

  “Carmen was as upbeat as she always is. She had a right to be happy too. She’s just gained a promotion at work. I believe that’s why she was out celebrating last night with Dawn and Sonia. My God, she wasn’t drinking, was she?”

  “According to Lincoln, she doesn’t drink.”

  “That’s right. But this promotion was huge for her. She was up against some stiff competition, and she was handed the post against all the odds. She might have thought what the heck, this kind of thing only happens in a blue moon and had a tipple to celebrate with the girls. Have you spoken to them yet?”

  “My partner has made arrangements for us to see them this afternoon. I think it’s unlikely that your sister would change her drinking habits in order to celebrate.”

  “You’re right. I can’t imagine her doing it, either, if I’m honest. I was trying to think of an explanation why she would have come off the road. And another car definitely wasn’t involved?” Jacky asked, stroking the head of her child as he drank his milk.

  “We’re not sure. There wasn’t another car at the scene, but that doesn’t necessarily mean to say that another vehicle wasn’t involved initially. Maybe they hit her and thought they’d be in trouble if they stuck around.”

  “Aren’t there any cameras in that area? Can’t you check them?”

  “That’s one of the first things we’ll do once we get back to the station. I just want to see how Carmen is first. When she wakes up, hopefully she’ll be able to tell us how the accident occurred.”

  “A doctor is coming!” Lincoln shouted, reaching for the door.

  “Hello, everyone. I’m Dr. Enright. I understand you’re Carmen Drinkwater’s family?”

  Jacky nodded. “I’m her sister.”

  The doctor smiled briefly. “It’s not looking good, I’m afraid.”

  Kayli’s hand automatically covered Jacky’s. “What’s wrong with Carmen, Doctor?”

  “There was a delay, but it’s sorted now. The porter is on his way to take her down to X-Ray. My initial diagnosis is that she possibly has a ruptured spleen because there is extensive bruising to her stomach, indicating internal bleeding. We’ll need to carry out an MRI scan to verify that. She also likely has several broken ribs, which may have punctured a lung. The scans will tell us what other damage there is inside.”

  Jacky burst into tears. Kayli slung an arm around her shoulders to comfort her.

  “What does that mean, Doctor? Ruptured spleen?” Lincoln asked.

  “Well, it means that Carmen could have a lot of internal bleeding. She’ll need an emergency operation. We’re assembling the theatre staff now, and once we have the X-Ray and MRI results, we’ll be better prepared to put those injuries right. I wanted to bring you up-to-date before we go any further.”

  “Can we see her?” Jacky asked, sniffling.

  “Only briefly before she’s taken down. I have to warn you that your sister is badly bruised and has several cuts on her face.”

  “I don’t care what she looks like. I just need to see my sister.”

  The doctor nodded. “Very well, if you’d like to come with me. It’ll be a quick visit, okay?”

  “Why don’t I look after your son,” Dave volunteered.

  An uncertain look crossed Jacky’s face, but Kayli nodded. “He’ll be fine with Dave. He has a son around the same age.”

  Dave sat down in the chair beside her, and Jacky passed her son over to him gently. He was still consuming his bottle and didn’t appear to mind the transition.

  “We won’t be long,” Kayli called over her shoulder as she, Lincoln, and Jacky left the room. She noticed Jacky’s breathing had become erratic. “Hey, you need to calm down before you see her. She might be unconscious, but I’ve heard patients in that state are still aware of what is going on around them.”

  Jacky inhaled and exhaled several times before they entered triage. She gasped when she saw her sister, lying unresponsively, except for the expansion of her chest now and again, on one of the trolleys. She was connected to a couple of drips.

  “Are you all right? Be brave for Carmen’s sake,” Kayli said, hooking her hand under Jacky’s arm to support and guide her towards her sister. “Lincoln, how are you holding up?”

  “I’m fine. I think. Crap, she’s really been through the mire.”

  Kayli nodded. “Literally. Carmen’s car was found overturned, the roof caved in. She’d been there for several hours.”

  “How dreadful! I’m so relieved someone found her before ...” Jacky’s voice faltered.

  “We have no idea how long she was like that.”

  A couple of nurses smiled and stood away from the trolley so the group could get closer. Jacky laid her hand over her sister’s bloody hand. “Don’t give up, Carmen. Please come back to us. We need you.”

  Lincoln stood on the other side and leaned down to kiss his girlfriend’s cheek. His tears dripped onto Carmen’s face. “Hello, beautiful. Stick with us. I love you.”

  Kayli thought it strange that Jacky should stiffen beside her when Lincoln voiced the sentiment. She sensed there was more to this situation than met the eye.

  A porter appeared along with Dr. Enright. “I’m sorry, but they’re ready for her now.”

  “One sec, Doc,” Kayli leaned over Carmen and touched her hand. “We’ll be here when you wake up.”

  The monitor began to beep loudly. Carmen’s eyes flew open, her tongue moistened her lips, and she whispered two words, “Baby ... bike.”

  The next thing Kayli knew, she was being yanked out of the way by the doctor. His staff had gathered around the trolley again. A nurse hurried them to one side. “Maybe it would be better if you went back to the family room. We’ll call you when we can.”

  Kayli nodded. “She’s right. Come on, Jacky, Lincoln. Let’s leave them to ...” Her voice trailed off as a long high-pitched tone filled the room.

  “What’s going on?” Jacky shouted as the doctor walked towards them.

  “Please, leave us to try and work on her.”

  “She’s dead, isn’t she?” Jacky screeched.

bsp; Kayli took control of the situation, forcing Lincoln and Jacky into the hallway. “Come on, guys. We’re in the way. Let them do their job.”

  Ten minutes later, Dr. Enright emerged from the swinging doors, his expression very sombre. He shook his head. “I’m sorry. We did everything we could to try and save her. Carmen’s injuries proved to be too much for her body to handle in the end.”

  Jacky cried out and collapsed to her knees. She began to rock backwards and forwards. Kayli kneeled on the floor and tried to gather the woman in her arms, but Jacky shrugged her off. “Why? Why Carmen? She was the sweetest person ever to walk this earth. What am I going to do without her?”

  Lincoln stepped forward to comfort Jacky. She recoiled from his touch as if he’d prodded her with a red-hot poker. “Jacky, don’t do this. Carmen wouldn’t want you to be upset like this.”

  “Sod off. What you said back there repulsed me. You didn’t love her. You pretended to love her, but I saw through you. She was too wrapped up in you to see what you’re truly like. Get out of here. You have no right to be here.”

  Kayli’s gaze swiftly moved between Jacky and Lincoln. “What’s this about, Jacky? Is there something I should know?”

  “She’s grieving, Inspector, has no idea what she’s saying,” Lincoln stated heatedly.

  “I know exactly what I’m saying. Get out of here, you waste of space.”

  Lincoln shrugged. “I refuse to stay where I’m not wanted. I’ll do my grieving on my own.”

  “We’ll be in touch in a day or two, Lincoln,” Kayli called out after him.

  “You need to dig deep on that one, Inspector. There’s more to him than his cocky smile and glistening white teeth.”

  “I’ll be sure to check his past thoroughly. I’m so sorry about Carmen. Here, let me help you stand up.”

  Once Jacky was standing, her legs almost gave way beneath her again. Kayli hooked her arm through Jacky’s and guided her back to the family room. Dave looked up expectantly when they appeared in the doorway. Kayli shook her head. He looked mortified.

  “I think Jacky could do with a cuddle from her son.” Kayli deposited Jacky into the seat beside Dave, and he handed her son back to her.